
Friday, October 03, 2008

The Origin and Controversy About Swastika

“Hands off our sacred Swastika” must be the loudest roar of the followers of Vedic or Hindu Dharma and all its sects all over the world to save the divinity, purity, auspiciousness, serenity, prestige and position Swastika holds in human race, after the German members of European Parliament called for the total ban on the use of Swastika all over Europe in protest of Prince Harry’s provocation of international outrage by wearing Nazi outfits with a swastika arm band in a private fancy dress party. It is shocking and astonishing news for the lovers of Swastika, irrespective of their faiths, all over the world that the European parliament is in opinion of considering such a ban on this innocent symbol. What has Swastika done wrong? What is the crime of Swastika? Once the most popular, respected, beloved, revered and worshipped symbol of human being all over the world by all races and all faiths is facing socially, religiously and ethical discrimination in Christian dominated European Parliament. This senseless, idiotic and illogical motion of Swastika phobia must be opposed strongly and stopped immediately with the demand of lifting the ban and reinstating the use and status of Swastika in Germany. The people of the world must be educated and re-educated in the subject of Swastika to justify such worldwide agitation not only to save the Swastika but also to reinstate this holy and humble symbol with all its status, glory and respects.

Swastika or Svastika, the universal and most revered symbol of auspiciousness, good luck and well being has been portrayed as the symbol of horror, hatred and racism by the western world after World War II. The world politics have brain washed the new generation and created unnecessary hatred towards the Swastika by portraying it as the symbol of evil, demise, destruction and ruination, and kept the public aloof from the true meaning, significance and history of Swastika. Due to its misrepresentation many look at it and consider it today as a symbol of hate, terror and a reminder of the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party. Swastika was not invented or designed by Hitler. He merely stole it from the most ancient human civilisations of Vedic period and used it as the emblem of his party called NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) also known as Nazi (National Socialist Community) and annihilated the significance of this most ancient symbol respected as the sign of good luck, fortune and auspiciousness. Swastika was widely adopted in German society well before Hitler Era and many organisations such as Thule Society, a secret Neo-Monastic Lodge and Paramilitary Freikorps used as their symbol.

Swastika is an ancient symbol of Vedic Aryans Of Aryavarta (India) that has brought luck and joy for centuries to all mankind all over the world and continues to do so in the present days. It is a symbol which stands for truth, compassion, tolerance and happiness. It was worshipped as a symbol of good fortune universally long before Hitler’s use of it to symbolize his evil dictatorship. The only fault of Swastika lies in its adoption by Hitler and his Nazi Party and it being used as the prominent emblem of the party and Hitler used to wear swastika on his arm band. Hitler also used to wear a cross, an old and original symbol of Christianity, still being used by orthodox Christians, on his left chest near to his heart. This way the cross can be put into the same category as swastika in relation to Hitler. Why does not that make cross a sign of genocide and anti-Semitic? If some misunderstood and misguided people want to ban Swastika, why don’t they pass motion to ban the Cross along with Swastika? Is it because the Cross is sacred to Christians and European Union which is almost made up of Christian Nations? Why do the Christian Nations of Europe hold such a discriminatory attitude only towards the Swastika? Such questions require solid answers from not only the common people and politicians of Europe, but also from all over the world.

Thousands of years of heritage and its good faith cannot be wiped out or destroyed by this single shocking event in history. It was not the fault of Swastika that Hitler misused it. Hitler was born and brought up as a Christian and he was not a follower of Vedic Dharma or its branches or philosophy, and he was not tall, blonde and white as described in Aryan Race Theory invented by British Royal Historians for their political gain well before Hitler. Why should the most sacred and gentle symbol of human race be punished for whatever heinous act Hitler, his ideology and his followers committed? Swastika must not be punished for what Hitler did as Swastika has always represented harmony, humbleness and humanity and oneness in all diversities. Should the Holy Cross of Christianity be punished for the homicide atrocities inflicted on millions of innocent black Negroes who were burnt alive by tying them on the cross and setting alight by Ku Klux Klan, the Christian organisation in U.S.A? The symbols with their high status, glory, respects and reverence in human society must not be held responsible for their misuse by a mad individual, fanatic, barbaric and discriminating religious group and politically motivated racist organisations or expansionist nations.

Swastika is the oldest religious symbol known to the human race and is widely recognised in various cultures all across the world. Swastika derives from the oldest way of life called Vedic Dharma or original form of Hindu Dharma. Vedic Dharma- is the form of a religion based on the philosophy of life taught by God through the four scriptures called Vedas. Swastika represents all four Vedas. Geometrically, the symbol consists of four parts and points towards four directions. If the Swastika is turned around from the centre clock-wise or anti-clockwise, it does not make any geometrical or physical changes. This represents the unchanging, all directional and endless nature of God. Swastika is the symbol of divinity therefore it is a fundamental part of all religious ceremonies of Hindus and others. Swastikas can be seen adorned in ceremonies of birth, marriage and festivals. The Swastika does not come from anti-Semitic origins; it derives from the ancient language of Vedic Dharma, Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, Swastika means auspiciousness. The Shlok “swasti na indro vruddhastravaha svastinah pusha vishvavedaha! Swasti nastakshya arishtanemihi svastino bruhaspatirdadhatu!! of yajurved defines the swastika saying, “May all mighty god of infinite glory be auspicious to us, May the all knowing Lords of the universe be of auspiciousness to us. May the powerful protection of the universe bring auspiciousness to us May the Lord of Lords. The supreme being brings fortune to us.”

Vedic Dharma or its sects which include Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism, have never done anything wrong to other religions, they have never waged any atrocities on other faiths. Vedic (Hindu) Dharma teaches the principles of help, charity, tolerance and non-violence with exceptional limitation of self-defence. The living example of its greatness is in the thousands of years old settlements of Jews and Parsi’s (Persian Zoroastrians) in India, who have practised their faith freely and without any persecution and their community flourished in India with respects and dignity and freedom. The deplorable deed perpetrated by Hitler for his own gain, fame and supremacy had nothing to do with Vedic/Hindu Dharma or its sects.

The presence of Swastika is evident in various civilisations such as the Egyptians, Mayans, Aztec, Inca, Native Americans, Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Japanese, ancient Troy and Celts to name but a few and that derived from the Vedic Dharma of Aryans of Bharat or India.
Romans were very much familiar with the symbol of swastika, for them it is was an Etruscan symbol from which the Roman culture derived. Romans considered it as the emblem of their Supreme God Jupiter. Romans freely used the both handed Swastikas in decorating the mosaic floors and walls of Pompeii. They widely used the pattern of Swastika on the temples, altars, household potteries & goods, brooches in their conquered territories in Europe and British isle and North Africa. Roman Altar found near the Great Roman Wall in Northumberland, England, has two Swastikas carved on either side of a crescent moon.
Greeks believed Swastika as sacred symbol and associated it with the Apollo, their Sun God. The statue of Apollo in his chariot at historical museum in Vienna has a large Swastika depicted on his chest. Greeks called Swastika a Gammadion and used it very extensively on terracotta figures, tiles, shields, coins.

Aztec, Mayan and Inca civilisation in central and South America also used Swastika freely along with whirly form of Swastika in their art work and in their temples. Swastika has migrated across many cultures, races and religions and has become the universal symbol. It is amazing fact how this non-violent and kind symbol found its way even into Islamic Mosques! The Friday Mosque in Sfahan, Iran, has lots of beautiful mosaic symbols in various places and many of them have beautiful and colourful images of Swastika designed.

People may think Swastikas would be oddly out of place in a Christian church, but the Swastika has a long history as a symbol for Christ. During the first three centuries A.D, it is said, the Swastika was the only form of cross used by Christians in catacombs and churches. It was a disguised form of the cross and a unifying symbol among those who survived a common persecution. In Rome, it is called Crux Dissimulata because the early Christians concealed themselves, the Church did not adopt the crucifix until the sixth century when Christianity had become the official religion of Rome. Swastikas can be seen decorating the Christian Catacombs of Rome.

In Japan Swastika is called Manji, named after an ancient God. It is found on major temples and street-corner shrines in Japan and far eastern countries. The Chinese called it “Wan”. The ancient Chinese Falun Dafa or Gong practitioners have five Swastikas in their organisation’s logo and they hold very high respects for Swastika and they have been propagating worldwide for re-establishing the use of Swastika again in its original purpose. Swastika was widely used in ancient Persia, now known as Iran, before the Islamic invasion.

Swastika is originated in Aryavarta, present Bharat or India as westerner calls it. It is the first meaningful symbol of human race. In the present day it is evident that Swastika is prominent religious symbol in East. It is worshipped in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Taoism many millenniums and centuries before Jesus Christ and respected by many in the Asian continent. Swastika is part and parcel of daily life and worship for the people of Asian and Eastern countries. Swastika is present everywhere in India! The lesser-publicised aspect of the Swastika symbol is the positive presence of Swastika in the western world prior to World War II. , The Swastika was widely used on good luck greeting cards, as part of company logos and promotions. Even the world famous drinks company “Coca-Cola”, in 1925, made a lucky watch fob in the shape of a Swastika. There is much evidence that Swastika was used as a lucky talisman in Britain, America and much of Europe just prior to the Second World War.

In 1908, the American Sears catalogue had many ladies’ Swastika hatpins and pendants for sale. In Scandinavia, the Swastika is called the Hammer of Thor, which derived from the Vikings. Commercially it found its way to become the registered trademark of world famous Carlsberg lager as early as 1881 and continued to be used up until 1938. The Entrance of the Famous Carlsberg Brewery in Denmark guarded by four 5 meter huge granite Elephants with a swastika carved in the sides are living proof which all that`s left from the Carlsberg’s wide use of the Swastika symbol as part of its company logo. The Finnish Air Force marked Swastika in blue paint as a national emblem and good luck symbol which they call Haka Risti (locked cross), on all their planes from 1918 until 1945 when it was changed because they were mistaken for Nazi planes. The Iceland Steam Company still flies blue and white flag with Swastika on it and they have refused to give up and continued to fly their flags as part of their heritage. In 1916 the British printed War Savings Stamps with white Swastika, which was years before Nazi’s adopted it as their symbol. The scouts’ organisation used to give an award of Thanks Badge depicted with Swastika for the fellowship of the organisation until 1940. Swastika was commonly used as trademark, company logo and names of companies and organisations in Mexico. New Mexico is the land of Swastika. Swastika was once a state symbol and appeared on all highway signs and state flags, now replaced by sunrays after World War II. Before II WORLD WAR, Americans and Canadians used the symbol and name in trade very extensively. There were cars named ‘Krit’ manufactured in Detroit from 1909 to 1916 which bore Swastika trademark on them, The Gaede family of Gaede Ranch and Gaede Cattle Company in America still uses Swastika as their company logo and mark their cattle with swastika symbol as their Hamish and Mennonite ancestors used them on their barns for good luck sign. The Laguna Bridge on the Colorado River between Arizona and California near Yuma, built in 1905, has forty seven Swastika carved on the edges of the bridge. The city of Glendale in Greater Los Angeles has 930 iron lamp-posts of 1920’s time with Swastika on the bottom base in circle. To everyone’s surprise the town named Swastika exist in Ontario, Canada (Not In India!) since 1911! After II World War, tremendous pressure was put on the residents of the town by Canadian Government to change its name from Swastika to Winston to honour Winston Churchill, then Prime minister of England, but the people fought back and retained their beloved name of their town with many business companies associated their names with Swastika . In Dublin, Ireland, there is a company called Swastika Laundry Ltd with its Swastika logo is still in operation since 1912, expanding and prospering with the blessings and Good Luck of Swastika. The Russian Tsar’s luxurious coach was decorated with Swastika symbol in the front same as German Mercedes Benz displays it logo of Star on the bonnet. These are but a few examples of Swastika’s presence in the world. Do these examples not show how popular the Swastika has been all over the world?

To, many people’s astonishment, there are many evidence of the existence of Swastika in Judaism and its free use in synagogue with The Star of David, The Holy Symbol Of Judaism. A secret monastic brotherhood of Jews called the Essenes lived in Palestine from the second century B.C. to the end of the first century A.D. To them, the Swastika was a sacred sign representing the Wheel of Eternal Life. The Free Masons claims that the use of Swastika derived to them from the masons who built King Solomon’s Temple. The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia (1939-1943) says, “The Swastika appears on various articles excavated in Palestine, on ancient synagogues in Galilee and Syria, and on the Jewish catacombs at the Villa Torlonia in Rome.” Webster’s New American Dictionary (1959 edition) gives information as an ancient Jewish religious symbol.

In Hinduism, the Swastika is often drawn inside Yantra, what is known in Judaism as The Star of David. In the synagogue at Tel Hum, Capernaum, Swastika is found on the breeze side by side with the Star of David, The Holiest Symbol Of Judaism. This proves that Swastika was also an ancient Hebrew religious sign. Another example of the use of Swastika by the people of Jewish origin can be found in the USA; in 1916 the Portland Oregonian Newspaper ran an advertisement for Pacific Coast Biscuits, a Jewish firm that made Matzos. A large Swastika dominates the advertisement, which claims, “The Trademark Stands for Supreme Quality”. It is clear that Jews, as well as other peoples across the globe have used the Swastika as a decoration, a symbol of pride, spirituality, good fortune, prosperity and love.

There are lovers and worshippers of Swastika all over the world. If European and any world politicians consider to take such irresponsible, unworthy and unthinkable decision to ban the humble symbol of Swastika, they must first consider to ban the Green Flag with Crescent Moon and Star of Islam, as there is no other barbaric, cruel and such a large scale holocaust ever happened in the history of mankind than the Islamic Crusade And Jehad from the day of its inception to today under the same symbol and flag. The Vedic or Hindu holocaust, meaning the genocide of Zorostrians, Hidus, Sikhs, Jains and Budhists of Aryavarta (Persia and Bharat) by the regime of Islam has no match. Those atrocities and butcheries inflicted on those people by Islamic fanatics can not be describe and compare to any other holocaust in the history of humanity. Secondly, the European politicians must consider the ban of Holy Cross also, as the same symbol is responsible for the barbaric acts of Ku Klux Klan, The Followers Of Christianity, after burning millions of innocent black Negroes alive, after tying them on the symbol of Holy Cross. This presents itself as an open and real challenge to the German and other European politicians as well as other world politicians who support the ban of Swastika! The treatment and attitude toward Swastika must be different to that of the Holy Cross and Islamic flag as the perpetrators were of their own religion while Swastika did not have any relation with Hitler on religious ground and it has represented goodness and universal humanity all over the world. Even if the world holds these symbols of Christianity and Islam on the ground of their use, still Swastika can not be held responsible in the same way as them.

These events in the history have never portrayed the Holy Cross or Islamic flag as the symbols of terror or death and these symbols have ever been condemned and banned, unlike the fate of Swastika. Therefore condemning a symbol that has no real connection to a megalomaniac’s misguided interpretation is unjustifiable and unlawful in comparison to case history.

The controversial issue of Swastika symbol is a concern mostly to the innocent Jewish people whose community suffered tremendously under Hitler regime. The sufferings of others in World War II must be classified as act of war on both sides. The anger of Jewish community for the Hitler, his regime and the atrocities inflicted on them is understandable but any move to ban or stop Swastika in public life is not acceptable as Swastika has the same status to Hindus, Jains, Budhists, Sikhs and Taoist what the Star of David is to Jewish people. The followers of Vedic Dharma and their branches are all followers of all philosophies evolved in Aryavarta, Bharat or India sympathise and share their anguish and emotions for what happened to them and what is happening to them at present. Hindus have welcomed Jews in India thousands of years ago when they were driven out of their home land. Hindus gave them asylum and help them to prosper and progress with the freedom of their culture and religious belief centuries before they have given sanctuary to Zorostrians or Parsis who had to flee from their motherland PERSIA (Iran) to save their religion from the onslaught of Islam. The Jewish community of Cochin is the living example of that history. The Jewish people and their nation must not forget the generosity, help, love and respect Hindus gave their people in past. The Jewish people and the Jewish Nation Israel must have better understanding that their race has never ever been persecuted by Hindus, their Vedic or Sanatan Dharma (religion) and its sects while the followers of Christianity and Islam persecuted their race as brutally as Nazi regime, if not more.

The positive discrimination of Jews by Christian and the barbaric onslaught and hate of Jewish people by Muslims is still in existence today. Many staunch Jewish organisations such as the Jewish Defence League and The B-Nai Brith Society forget that the Swastika had a special religious and social status in Judaism and they have been trying to eradicate Swastika from public use and opposing its use by Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, Shrilankans, Nepalese, Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese, Cambodians, and others. Such organisations must have better understanding of Swastika, its meaning and universal adoration and use. It would be a grave mistake on Jewish part to believe that those people worship Swastika and use it publicly for their religious, cultural and part of their Daily Life and heritage are not sensitive and sympathetic enough towards the Jewish sentiments and the plight as well as the sufferings of Jewish Holocaust or humiliating them and supporting Nazism by public display. Hindus have and always have supported the Jewish Cause and will continue to do so in future and our Jewish brothers and sisters must recognise that. The Hindus must re-educate many Jewish people and all other peoples in the world on the subject of Swastika and on other hand the Jewish organisations and religious and governmental institutions must convey the right and positive message with negative approach of Hitler & his regime on the subject of Swastika rather than just spreading hate and disgust against it in the minds of new generation. If the politicians, leaders and diplomats, industrialists and businessmen of Israel and all allied countries now a days feel no shame to shake hands, talk, sit and dine and wine together and associate with many Germans, who are or the progeny of the same Nazi supporters of Hitler, at United Nation and other international events. What is the big deal about the Symbol of Swastika! Swastika has not hurt or killed any body or related to any culprits. Does the ban on Swastika in Germany and proposed ban in Europe seem logical?

The Swastika is the most ancient religious symbol of human race. It has such a rich history that it transcends cultures, races, religion and continents. It is an injustice that thousands years of history and faith are being wiped out due to the negative portrayal and ignorance of this beloved symbol in the west. The faith and dedication put into this symbol over the centuries by its many followers is coming to an age where the goodness of this sacred symbol may cease to exist, in the minds of the generations to come. On going efforts, movement and agitation of Friends of Swastika of Canada for the proclamation of innocence of Swastika and present efforts of Hindu forum of United Kingdom to stop the consideration of banning the use of Swastika in Europe by The European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, Mr Franco Frattini, must be supported and strengthened by Hindus all over the world.

The time has now come for the believers and worshipers of Swastika from all over the world and especially from eastern and far eastern countries as well as all the friends of Swastika irrespective of their faith and religion must demand to revive, reclaim and reinstate the Sacred Symbol of Swastika with its original honour, respects, dignity, glory and status as Swastika had nothing to do with SSS of Hitler regime. The lovers, worshipers and friends of Swastika must come forward with the winning slogan of Dr Edis from Swastika Drug Company of Swastika, Ontario, Canada, with minor change from “Hitler be damned, this is our sign since 1922” to “Hitler be damned, this is our sign since 6000 years Before Christ!”

“Arise! Awake! And stop not until you reach the goal of reviving, reclaiming and reinstating the honour, respects, dignity, glory and status to swastika in it’s original form!”

Source: Hemant G Padhya,

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